Let go & Move on

Don’t look back to your life, just move on

Sometimes you just have to step forward & move on

Don’t beat yourself up for taking a leap of faith to change your situation. Sit down and truly look at what you have been through and pull the valuable lesson buried in it all. Once you find the lesson you will know what to do next and you will have to take another leap of faith and believe you can do anything that is put before you. Life is simply a chain of events that create good or bad experiences, but no matter what there is a lesson for you to learn. Just remember everyday you are given the gift to open your eyes again. In that time there is something for you to learn no matter how small or monumental it may be. I have been where you are and I have come out with my war wounds but most importantly I have pulled the lessons that made it all worth it!! Stay strong! ~ Janey Murphy 
Moving on may just mean, get up in the morning, get the children to school, go to work, do a good job, pick the kids up, help with homework, fix a good meal, give baths, have bedtime prayers, give em a kiss, take a long soak, talk to the Lord and get up the next day and do the same thing over again. It takes guts and all the energy you can muster to keep moving and do the right thing in spite of feelings of grief, regret, fear, etc. Gradually you will better. Remember one foot in front of the other. ~ Linda Stroud 

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