Building Relationships

Don’t push away the people who truly care about you

Everyone is different, people in my life have just gotten fed up with me, lost their hope and trust in me, I have done the same to others in my life, ” if” I feel there has to be change in their life for “us” to get along, then it isn’t worth my time or their time either. I have realized the only person I can change is myself, so if I am willing to make those changes in me, that is where I find hope. ~ Ken Evjen 

It happened to me, but I feel grateful for that person who “dumped” me because it opened my eyes for so many aspect in my life. Acceptance is the key. Now I am happy and no longer looking for her. ~ Rey Asuncion 

Family support has suffered at the hands of today’s technology. Texting someone has taken the place of a real conversation and there is nothing worse than an angry text. Face to face is much harder to be mean and nasty but waiting for someone who will only text, just becomes not worth it, hence being alone is better than waiting for a person to respond , you just move on! ~ Denny Walton 


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