
I am not saint, I have my limits

I am not saint, I have my limits

I’m one of those who should learn to set limits. The recipients of second chances don’t. They just take and take.

Try to be patient but there are only so many chances you can give and you can’t control another person so sometimes you have to walk away. Their loss and when they realize it will be too late because you will have moved on. ~ Fiona Young 

Every human being has got patient but there is a limit. When anybody tries to test the limits than one has to say enough is enough.

I give just one chance, first and last it’s enough because I also have just one life and not two. In my opinion who don’t use the first chance is not worth the second one. I figure out, that as quick as I give them everything I take it all away if they don’t appreciate me and my personality. In the end it’s their lost never mine, so I don’t mind to leave as quickly as I see things are not clear and are not going in to the right directions. ~ Jasmina Utroša

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