
Some walks you have to take alone

Some walks you have to take alone

In Life, sometimes you need to do some things by yourself for yourself (without the need or help) from “people”. ~ Brigitte Nicole

Those walks are some of the best that sooner or later you do come to realize. ~ Kerri Luke 

When you take such walks alone, you might think you are alone but the truth is there is a supreme being right there by your side, ministering to your quiet heart and giving directions. The freedom you feel in your head makes you feel lite & relieved of all of life’ s worries and troubles. ~ Obembe Ogundipe 

No one has that perfect life which begins with ‘Once upon a time’ and ends with ‘Happily ever after’. Life begins with ‘Welcome to the struggle’ and ends with ‘You are lucky to have survived the journey. If you wait for happy moments, you will wait forever, but if you start believing that you are happy, you will be happy forever. Remember it: All the Problems are stuck between the Mind and Matter. If You don’t Mind, It doesn’t Matter. ~ Stûtêê Pâthâk 

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