Let go & Move on

Sometimes you just have to step forward & move on

Sometimes you just have to step forward & move on

I had to do this a few years ago, was alone for quite awhile and then met a very nice man who has made me very happy. I am now very happily married and wouldn’t change him for any other man. ~ Christina Sinobert 

Sometimes is painful to move on, but most of the time is the only choice for something harmful for your body or soul. ~ Nayda Negron 

Letting go isn’t about giving up. It’s about accepting that there are things that cannot be.

Move forward and keep moving, making sure the direction you choose to proceed is the right one. The path of love and light then you won’t even consider turning back you will keep improving and shining. It’s harder to keep yourself in a bad place than setting yourself free. ~ Sibel Mordeniz 

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