You can’t change how people feel about you When you get past a certain age you really don’t care what people think! You can not … on November 24, 2023 Feelings Happiness
When you feel uncomfortable about something in life If one really and truly no longer wants to feel a certain way, then one will then … on August 26, 2023 Chance Feelings Inspirational
People may not tell you how they feel about you Actions speak louder than words. Any scumbag can say sweet words. Once you realize you have been … on July 26, 2023 Feelings
Make time for people who make you feel extra special Always! Forget the ones who make you feel small. ~ Meagan Cashmore If you give someone that extra special … on June 8, 2023 Feelings
The one that make you forget about everything An awesome hug from someone you care about, is so much better then a thousand words. Hugs … on June 4, 2023 Heartwarmers Kindness
People who make you feel like you are hard to Love Stay away from people who tell you that you are not lovable and difficult. Even family, if … on March 20, 2023 Couple’s Zone Feelings
Just Live your Life & be Happy If people don’t like you, don’t change who you are for people to like you, just be … on November 30, 2022 Feelings Happiness