One look, can save a relationship One lie will end it all. One moment of forgiveness will make everything possible again. One kiss … on April 18, 2023 Life’s Beautiful Words of Wisdom
A Healthy Relationship It doesn’t matter if your friends are young or irresponsible or whatever, point is it always has … on March 30, 2023 Couple’s Zone Friends Forever
Not everything you lose is a loss The loss sometimes is in fact a blessing in disguise. Sometimes you have to lose, to find … on March 28, 2023 Building Relationships Faith
If she tells you you’re an idiot No one has a right to judge what is said between two people on how they express … on February 14, 2023 Couple’s Zone Loving Relationship
You wait a lifetime to meet someone who understands you Nobody really gets you like you do. So stop wasting time and energy trying to make people … on January 30, 2023 Building Relationships Friends Forever
Be with someone who is proud to have you When you’re in a relationship, you should be proud to say “that’s my baby”. My husband always … on January 14, 2023 Building Relationships Heartwarmers
When you be surrounded by the wrong people “Alone” – never! I have myself and everything around me, inside of me, and memories. Dreams, hopes, … on January 12, 2023 Building Relationships Couple’s Zone