
We don’t always get what we want

We don't always get what we want

There is an old saying, “I once cried cause I had no shoes, till I seen a man who had no feet.” Be grateful for all that you have even if it comes close to nothing at all. ~ James Monroe 

The Universe provides for us everything we need at any given moment and helps those that help themselves. At times when I find myself in a position of not getting what I want, that perhaps it is just a blessing in disguise. It is something that was just meant to be. ~ Stephanie Cohen 

Some peeps just don’t realize what they have until it’s gone.

We come into the world with nothing and when we die we leave with nothing.

Life is not about having all that you want. It’s about appreciate all that you have. To fail means you have tried. To hurt means you loved. To survive means you have leaned. ~ Lucrecia Cuartero 

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