
We don’t meet people by accident

We don't meet people by accident

I have learned from some people. The things I don’t want in my life and from some the way I don’t want to be, and from others how I want to be and the kind of life I want to live, some people are just takers, some are givers and some have the best intentions for the relationship while others are just users that take what they want and need with no regard for someone else. Some people cling on to people to fill their voids out of neediness, others want you in their life for true companionship. ~ Rosalie Thon 

No matter how far apart we are we will always be under the same sky. 

Karma is all around us. Sometimes it takes something bad to find something good in life, but it always leads us to where we need to be. ~ Fran Blackwell 

The best things in life come in threes, like friends, dreams, and memories. 

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